i will never forget this day..!!!
guys..after saw this pic...
can u imagine wat i am going to do....? +.+
榛名登山...because of my sch 40 anniversary!!
the whole journey was 31km....blerr..do u wanna try...=.=
me climb until hegih hegih oo!!!
n do u noe shibukoh girls' students...they were kuat
they get used to it i think..
they can walk fast... keep talking... n keep laughing.. WALIAO!
we started at 8am...
until here..i tot we arrived...but NOT!!!!!!!!!!!
the most susah was at the back...damn..-.-
yea...always almost arrive...ALMOST ARRIVE~
the onli thg i can see were mountain, road, sky, grass, tree n some cars...ZZZ
when i realised that i maybe the last 1...
n i saw many snack lying on the road...
i start to eat my own snack!!
this time reali ALMOST ARRIVE lar!
since i was too slow...
i dint took any pic at the destination..
there was a lake ONLI~~~
n i onli got 10 mins..ZZZZZZZZZ
everythg is rushing...including my lunch...>.<
rush until i even cant change my 'bread' << (do u noe wat is this..hehee)
then we start to walk back to sch...
there hav 4 check pionts..
on the way returning to sch...
i 'ben lai' wan give up at 3rd check point d oo...
coz i was reali so tired n bu suang..
bu suang coz they rush my lunch time...!"#$%&'
...until they appear~
they pushed me up we walked 2geter!!!
we took pictures..chit chat...bluffing.....+++
thats reali good ^^
lastly, i gave up at the last 4km from sch...
due to my legs were reali pain!!!~~~
i sat beside the road...when i saw my teacher was running towards me...
i stop her...coz i noe she is the onli chance 4 me to back sch by CAR..
few minutes later...救護車came...
at sch..we got a 蜜柑as present..heheheee
i arrived 家 at 6pm..
after took shower...mayb 6:30pm...
then i started to sleep!!!!!
until another day d 9am~~~
i was dying...n partly cacat...
hahahahaa...no kidding..thats true~~!!
u noe y i insist to go 榛名山???????
come on...think abt it..
because of my JAY CHOU~~~~
his Initial D was took at there d mar...
i wan go and hav a look...
i found that Jay Chou probably cheating me...=.=
the 榛名山 i went is not same as his 1...=.=
hav a look at this pic
do u c the road??? mayb that is true...???
i enjoy kwa..
hahha...so funny o u..
din change bread then din "low" meh..?
Those frens speaking what language with u de o??
very tired ah? sleep until the next day?! really geng oh~
Jay chou go that not 秋名山 meh??
is u go that one ah? =.=""
anyway, gambateh lah~
31km, sap sap sui lah~
of course is for u, not for me~
if for me, i really aldy die at there loh... ;-P
hahahaha...so geng o..like tht also din LOW~~!!
wakakakaka...so funny lar u..
Like this also can..
No time to go toilet de meh..??
hahahaaa...funny lar u pui pui..
died at there waw...=.=
can raise ur hand d mar...
got ambulance fetch u back sch..
syok lar! hahahhaaa!!!
i also confuse abt that...=.=
mayb...Jay Chou lied d...>.<
limny, dou say so rush lok~
luckily the bread dint fly out ler!!!!
u noe lar...inside so hot d mar...
wowow...so funny la u!!haha...
anyway...ur frens there all can speak english to u??or u so geng can speak good japanese edi??wkaka...take care ya!
my japanese quite geng d lor~~
they can speak some eng lar..
i i e e de eng lor..
=.= nvm..
i can imagine wat they r trying to say~
ah toh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
miss u laaa....!!!
oioi...y so funny oo??
can fly 1 arr?
y i nvr tried it before gehh??
that jay chou lied u edi...
kesian pulak...
nvm nvm...atleast u went thr before...
go to taiwan can sue jay chow edi...under the seksyen 181...
u must win!!i sokong u!!
PS:actually i duno wad is the uses for that seksyen la...but that seksyen really exist 1!!
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