heartily cheese
難怪我會X!!! Oishi yo~~ 中午, 必須去麵包店tim..買一些麵包當明天的早餐 (2molo i have to go airport early in the morning d!!! *giggle*) Haiz, 想念Vios ler... 在這邊當然是Bicycle lor!!!! (=.- zzZ) have some excuse to exercise mar~ plus bus fee is so high! "#$%&'()
最近 my pimples...................... makin teruk !"#$%&'() show u something~ kekekkeee...
get the point?!
Ou~How lovely my blood is~
and next, my mum's art~ (~.~) *maolit*
and my second time join the SGI stuff in Tokyo. With the same ObasanS again~ kekekekee. we went to buffet lunch. A sailing-desinged-restraunt.
ObasanS & I
My FooD